How to work with the critical path method: its features
The critical path method of a project is a management concept that views the project itself as a combination of tasks related to each other. In this case, the critical path represents the longest interaction in the entire chain of successive actions.
If the deadline for a task that is not part of the critical path increases, the overall project period is unaffected by this change. At the same time, increasing the time for completing actions from the critical path can significantly slow down the whole implementation process.
The critical path method in project management is necessary so that the project manager could determine beforehand which tasks are extremely important and could influence the success of the whole work. Knowing the key points, it will be possible to ensure their timely implementation.
In order to identify critical tasks, it is necessary to schedule a list of all activities and their duration. Next, it is necessary to determine which of these tasks are interrelated and number them according to the sequence of implementation.

The next step in constructing the critical path of a project is to create a network diagram. It is best to do it by hand, it will be much clearer. Write down the numbers of tasks, and then use arrows to connect them to each other in the way they should be carried out. Now you need to calculate which sequence was the longest, it can be highlighted in color. This is the critical path.
The development of a network diagram has several peculiarities. For example, you may initially set several deadlines for the implementation of tasks – the minimum, optimum and maximum. This way you can insure, and at the beginning provide a little more time for the project. Network schedules are convenient to build in special programs, but often a Gantt chart is used for them.
Experts believe that when applying the critical path method and creating a network modeling of the project, it is necessary first of all to focus on the actions that are included in this path. However, there are tasks that are not part of this chain, but a delay in their implementation can have a negative impact on the critical path and the entire project. In addition, you need to be prepared for something not to go according to plan, so you don’t want to set a deadline for completing the work clearly to the day. It’s better to add extra time to prevent force majeure. In addition, this way there will be time to change the strategy, which happens to be extremely important.Examples of constructing the critical path method of the project can be found on the Internet, it will help you choose a convenient option for you. However, do not be afraid to experiment, the main thing is that such a concept will bring results and help in the implementation of tasks.