What factors does page authority take into account
One of the most important indicators in SEO is page authority. It is an indicator presented by Moz, which demonstrates the ranking of a particular page in the search engine. With the help of page authority, you can understand how effective the content and its presentation are.
It is important to understand that page authority is not one of the ranking factors, the indicator analyzes the pages of your site and competitors for their link profiles. It then produces a value from 1 to 100, where 100 is the maximum probability that the resource will reach the top of search engine results.
When forming the score the algorithms of the system are guided by a number of indicators, including follow- and nofollow-links, uniqueness of domains that are somehow related to the page, redirects, and other important characteristics. All data is collected by robot, and the principles of its work are similar to the Google robots, so the PA indicator has a high accuracy of the analysis. In addition, Moz uses machine learning technology to make ranking predictions for its indicators.

Page authority is influenced by three key factors:
- the level of trust that forms a resource for the search engine, affects the age of the site, its name, and the quality of HTML and CSS. In addition, takes into account the uniqueness and relevance of content, the functionality of the site as a whole;
- the number of links on one page. In this case, we are talking about authoritative resources, which mention the desired site. And these links should be as natural as possible, without a huge number of anchor crossings and overspam keywords;
- the frequency and regularity of updates to the content presented on the page. In order for the site to be interesting to people and present in search results, it is important to replenish it with useful articles, and relevant information for users. Otherwise, it will cease to be necessary for the audience, and the number of visits to the resource will fall, which will have a negative impact on the evaluation of the site by robots.
Often the low figures in assessing the page authority of a blog or website are caused by errors in HTML and CSS, “dirty code”. In addition, over-spamming of keywords still occurs, although SEO specialists have long stopped using such primitive ways of promotion.
It is also important to understand that when checking the page authority algorithms pay special attention to functionality, the site should not have problems with loading or errors 404.
Keep in mind the fact that a high estimate of page authority at this time does not mean that it will always be so. It is necessary to constantly work on improving and updating the resource, to make it as useful as possible for users.