Six Sigma methodology to improve product quality
Six Sigma is one approach to project management. It is based on a statistical method of evaluating processes and factors that affect performance. In this way, errors in approach can be identified, product quality can be improved, and operations can be optimized.
The concept was developed at Motorola to improve operational efficiency and increase customer satisfaction.
The error-free rate is the main indicator in the Six Sigma concept for process management. At most, 3.4 product defects per million processes should occur in production. Before introducing this concept at Motorola, the quality rate was between 93% and 99%, but this needed to be more satisfactory to management. The result was that about 6,210 customers received products with some kind of defect, tarnishing the company’s image.
To understand the Six Sigma methodology better, looking at it in practice is better. In the case of the automotive industry, for example, defect rates play a significant role. There is a chance that the control systems will fail to recognize faults. The car will go to the suppliers and then to the end consumer. The customer will see the defect in use, reducing their confidence in the manufacturer. In addition, the defect may pose a danger to people, especially if severe.
Another problem with many defect cases is that the products are not delivered as they require more monitoring and checking during the production process. This increases costs for the company and slows down the global vehicle production plan.

Six Sigma principles
Six Sigma measures the percentage of defects and can develop and implement methods to reduce errors. The practical application of Six Sigma involves several principles:
- the creation of a stable algorithm for going through each stage of the production process, which contributes to increasing business productivity;
- business processes and their implementation should be measurable and analyzable. In addition, they should promptly reflect changes, which will allow their effectiveness to be seen;
- to reduce the output of defective products, it is important to involve all employees in the production process: top management and ordinary workers. In this way, everyone will feel involved in improving product quality.
You should implement of Six Sigma gradually. The first step is to define objectives based on customer product requirements. Next, you must measure the effectiveness of current processes, and then proceed to analyze problems and develop methods to eliminate them. The final stage involves implementing the changes and monitoring their progress.