Types of sales in terms of the influence of different parameters
A company’s profit depends on the volume of sales of products or services. Therefore, one of the main tasks for specialists is to increase this indicator. Marketers use various tools to promote, introduce the product, attract a larger audience of customers, and generate interest in the product and its sale. In this regard, there are different types of sales, each of which is effective in one case or another. It should be understood that there is no perfect option, with the right approach, each of them works.
Before knowing what types of sales there are, it is necessary first of all to analyze the product itself and the needs of the target audience. They have their own peculiarities. Depending on the type of product or service, the sales cycle may be short or long. And taking into account a number of factors, the best option is chosen.
Clients also come in different types: end consumer, business, or government. Based on this there are b2b, b2c, b2g types of sales. The mechanisms of influence on each of these sectors will be different.

In addition, the ways in which the product is sold are classified according to different parameters.
Human involvement
Thanks to the development of modern technology, many processes have become automated and do not require direct human involvement. Progress has also affected the types of sales in marketing – and now they can be personal or impersonal. In the first case, the seller and the customer interact in person, for example, at the point of sale or in the office. This also includes communication through various means of communication. Here the influence of non-verbal signs is important, especially noticeable in case of live contact. Much depends on a person’s first impression of him, his gestures, and his voice.
Impersonal include types of sales on the Internet through chatbots, and e-mail. In this case, online stores and social networks have their advantages – the availability of 24/7 for the client and the low cost of staff and rental of retail space for the seller.
Number of steps
The sales process can consist of just one or several steps – depending on this, they are divided into simple and multi-step. These are the basic types of sales. An example of the former is the in-store purchase of products that do not require careful thought about the purchase. Despite the speed of the sale, it is extremely difficult to assess the effectiveness of promoting such products, and the limited number of opportunities makes it almost impossible to influence sales.
Multi-step sales are used to sell technical products, complex services, or new products. They involve consultation, and comparison of several options. Only after going through all the stages does the consumer make a decision to make a deal.
Experts say that the number of steps directly affects the efficiency of the cycle. The more steps that need to be taken before a purchase, the higher the result of the entire sales cycle.When developing a promotion strategy, it is necessary to take into account different sales models and types. And analyze them according to different parameters and in terms of the impact of certain conditions and features that are inherent to the product and company.